Brooklyn Zoo Day Camp
Camp Runs from 9:00am to 4:30pm
Email/Call for multiple day and/or sibling discount
What to bring:
- Labeled water bottle
- Lunch
- Comfortable shoes and clothing, no crocs or sandals
- A desire to learn and have fun
- Only removable tights/socks as the floor can be slippery
Register online through our schedule and sign the waiver. Call to add family members.
Sample Schedule
9am: Check in and a group warm up
10am: Break into groups and practice specific parkour skills (how to jump, how to fall, how to vault over obstacles)
11am: Free Play
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Clean up and second warm up
2pm: Games (Tag, Hide and Seek, Dodge Cube)
3pm: Break into groups and practice specific parkour skills (how to jump, how to fall, how to vault over obstacles)
4pm: Free Play and Nerf
what kind of classes do you offer?
Yes we can arrange that.
What happens at lunch?
Children bring their own lunch and will have some quiet time
What if I forget lunch or can I order lunch?
There is a pizza place, Rome to Brooklyn that you can order from or other places that deliver to Brooklyn Zoo.
Are there snacks available?
Yes, we do have a vending machine with snacks.
Do campers go outside?
No, camp takes place inside our facility
Can I play games during the day if I need a break?
We have chess and some other things available if someone needs a break.
Can I stay later?
Special arrangements can be made to stay later.
Can I learn to do flips?
The level of skills taught are always dependent on the skill level of the student. You can ask the instructor to learn a specific skill
Will we play any games?
Yes we play games in the gym such as parkour chase tag, nerf, dodge cube